WINE on Chromebook Download Windows Based apps now!

Chromebooks are great devices that are fast reliable, and for the most part fairly affordable. They really are great machines, there is just one downside… You can’t use many of the windows-based apps that you may be used to on your PC or other laptops. If you do want to use these apps in a linux environment you use to have to go through an emulation layer which would be tricky and not the best way to go about it. Now though, we have the latest edition of Wine (6.0) which gives us easy access to window based apps without too much struggle!

What is Wine on Chromebook?

Wine or WINE is not an emulator as the acronym states is a compatibility layer that allows you to access Windows apps through Linux that you wouldn’t be able to access without going through the emulation route otherwise. Using wine on your Chromebook can help you access window-based apps that you would previously not be able to. Using wine on Chromebook helps turn your machine into much more of a complete machine allowing you to get up to whatever you may want with ease.

Why Download Wine onto Chromebook

WINE is a a way for you to access Windows-based apps on your Chromebook, that would not be accesable without it. Most of the use cases come from gamers for the most part. The compatibility layer allows .exe games on Linux and MacOS instead of just using the chromeOS system you can play some older games with the program. Since Chromebooks have their own operating system most users are unable to play many fan-favorite old school games so you have to use the compatibility layer WINE to access and play the games.

The process to download and start running WINE is a bit more difficult than you may have initially thought, so I will go step by step to help you get his compatibility layer on your Chromebook. Then you can start getting going and use WINE to play old games, and for the most part access more with your Chromebook.

How to Download WIne on Chromebook

At the time of writing this, WINE 6.0 has had a stable launch and is up and running! So we are going to follow the steps to download the latest version of the compatibility layer! You can read up about all the new announcements for WINE here!

1. Enable Linux on your Chromebook

We need to enable 32-bit Linux programs on our device first, so go to your System Settings on your Chromebook then on the left-hand side click on Linux and turn it on with the button on the right-hand side. This will start up a setup wizard, just go ahead and follow through with the steps to enable Linux on your Chromebook.

enable linux on chromebook

2. Run Commands in the Terminal

Now that we have Linux enabled on our Chromebook we will need to run several commands in the terminal that pops up.

Here is the List of Commands you will need to copy and paste separately into your terminal:

1) sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 

This first command will allow 32-bit architecture on your Chromebook, which is needed to go through with the download of WINE.

2) wget -nc

This second command downloads the WINE security key ensuring you have the right security on your Chromebook to go through with the process.

3) sudo apt-key add winehq.key
This now adds the security key we just downloaded to your device.
4) echo “deb buster main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list
5) echo “deb ./” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
After pasting commands 4 and 5 to our device we will have added the WINE repository’s to our system.
6) sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys DFA175A75104960E
This is another WINE security key that is required to allow access on your device.
7) sudo apt update -y
Using this command we will update our system repositories for Linux apps on our Chromebook. this may take a little bit of time, but don’t worry it is running and should be finished up soon!
8) sudo apt install –install-recommends winehq-stable
Now comes the fun part, this command installs wine onto your Chromebook! The steps before were just getting your Chromebook ready for this step. Make sure you press enter once this is done to confirm the installation of WINE. This step takes some time so be sure to be patient.
9) winecfg
This is a WINE package that is required. Something should pop up with the WINE logo, click on install to confirm the installation you will have to do this for each of the packages. 
We are now going to download FireAlpaca so you can see the functionality. Go to and scroll down to 32 Bit Installer and download it. Once you have downloaded FireAlpaca open it up in the file manager.  Once in the file manager move the FireAlpaca to the Linux folder.
Once in the Linux folder, you will need to rename the package to package.exe
wine logo in
10) sudo apt install nemo
This is a Linux file manager used to launch windows apps. This takes a while so be patient again!
11) wine package.exe
Now we will install the Linux application with this command. Follow allowing with the pop-up that populates. Now, we just downloaded the FireAlpaca program that we downloaded. It will have a Finish button, but it won’t work without the Linux file manager.
Go to your Linux file manager by going to your Chromebooks apps and clicking on Linux apps then files. 
You won’t see your files here, so go to the top left corner to view, and then click the Show Hidden Files button. Open up the .wine folder, then the drive_c folder. Your package will be in either the 32 or 64-bit folders. Now go to the application launcher. Click on the application you downloaded’s .exe icon. 
Now you have your first windows based app on your Chromebook, by using wine!
launch firealpaca with wine

12) ln -s  /home/username/.wine/drive_c/users/username/Desktop /home/username/wine

This command allows you to make an app for launching WINE on your Chromebook. To do so copy this command, but replace the username with the username that you used for your Linux apps.

Now you can open and launch apps as you would expect. You should now have in both your FIles and Linux files a 1.mdp file for FireAlpaca, so you can launch your files a bit easier. Now, you can delete all of the files that don’t work. So you can remove the FireAlpaca file that is not labeled 1.mdp as it won’t work now. 

Now, you have WINE downloaded onto your Chromebook and you will be able to download any Windows-based apps you want on there. You may need to watch some tutorials on how to download the individual apps, but the hard part is now done! Chromebooks are quite functional little machines if you know how to work them! You can even download other programs like crosh onto your Chromebook to get a little more out of them! There are quite a lot of apps you can now download onto your Chromebook, just keep in mind updates and announcements directly from WINE to ensure you are always up to date and ready to play your games, or open up new applications in WINE.

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