There are many different factors you have to carefully think about when using a projector outside during the day. You have to make sure the projector will be bright enough because if it isn’t then you have no way of watching anything and being able to actually view it. There are also a few other things to keep in mind on how to use a projector outside during the day!
The more lumens a projector has, the brighter it will be. Lumens will be your best friend if you are looking to project out in the sun. If you have a low-lumen projector it will be hard, if not impossible to see anything you are trying to project.
There will be a lot of ambient light outside, regardless of the time of day (except for nighttime) this can cause a lot of your pictures or images you are displaying to be washed out and be very hard to see. Try shining a flashlight at the ground during the day, you can’t see it right? Well, the same thing will happen if you are trying to use a projector in the day.
Luckily there are a few other things you can do which can lessen the effects ambient light has on your projection display!
The more lumens your projector has the easier it will be to see it, so look for a projector that has more than enough lumens, and then you will have a great all-around projector that can work wherever you want it to.
Different Projector Screen
Another way to easily upgrade your outdoor projection game is to invest in another projector screen that is a little darker. Having a grey screen can show up your projector’s projection way easier than just an irregular white screen.
White screens are perfect for dark inside rooms where the only light is coming from your projector. But let’s face it, having a white screen in a bright environment is going to harm your viewability more than it will help it.
Going back to the flashlight analogy, let’s say you are outside and you shine your light on a white piece of paper, well the sun is much brighter than your light so it will overpower it. Well, let’s change the paper to grey or even black. Well, there is a much bigger difference between your light and the paper so it will show up better than on the white paper.
Different objects and colors absorb light differently, and black is the best color to absorb light so changing out your white projector screen for a darker color will give you a better chance of your projector’s bulb being absorbed.
Also, with a white screen, there is a higher percentage of light reflected by white than other colors so your screen won’t be as effective at gathering the light well enough to see it.
You don’t want to get a fully black screen as these don’t absorb much light so it can also become harder to see, so look for a grey screen so you get the benefits of a darker color without the repercussions.
Overall, changing the color, of your screen can and will help you be better able to see your projection.
Change projector settings
This is by far the easiest and most cost-effective way to see your projections just a little bit more clearly. There are certain settings on individual projectors that can increase the brightness and other things that could help you see your projection a little easier.
You can always try to turn up your brightness a bit more and see if that does much, if your projector has an eco mode switching this off will use more power, but oftentimes projects crisper brighter images and videos.
Changing how big the screen size is, and how close the projector is to the screen can also have a large impact on the viewability of projectors. Making the projection size a bit smaller often gives you a better image. Pair this with bringing your projector a bit closer (if possible) and it can make a dramatic difference in quality and daytime viewability!
You can search up some tutorials for your specific projector as the settings are different from model to model, and brand to brand.
Here are some settings that may work:
- Make sure your lamp is on high
- Setting projector to dynamic mode/living room can help with brightness
- Turn on deeper blacks which can help with contrast
Reducing Ambient light
This is the biggest thing you can do to use your projector outside during the day. If there is any way you can set up something to block out at least some of the sun this will make a dramatic difference in viewability.
If you are outside, it can be tough to block out all sun but using a tent canopy above your projector can help block out some light and give you a better viewing experience.
If you lack a canopy tent, then you can always try and position your projector, and screen away from any direct sunlight, and try and watch your movies in the mid-afternoon when the sun isn’t too bright.
In the end, there are a few ways to make watching a movie from a projector in the day a little more enjoyable. The main issue is the brightness of the sun, which you can do little to nothing to change which can get frustrating. I would say getting a grey screen, and changing the settings on your projector will be the cheapest options and have the largest effect.
In the end, it might be more worth it to watch it a little later in the day with less sunlight, or just going inside and watching it with your curtains drawn. Unless you can find a way to block out the sun you may be fighting a losing battle, unfortunately. But, don’t get down as spending time with your family/friends outside even if you can barely see the projection will be a great time!

James has been a tech fanatic for years, from taking apart old electronics and putting them back together to now learning what more technology has to offer. He constantly is learning more regarding the tech industry. As the creator of Internet Bankroll, his mission is to provide unbiased tech information to everyone!